July 12: Lizard Head trail - outside Telluride

Thursday, July 12, 2012 0 comments
Many Geebers and Geeblets went to Ouray, where the town pool has 4 pools of varying temperatures, and a water slide. They waited out the rain in the candy store. The chocolate sea-salt caramels are very good.

Ted, Tricia, Fletcher, Gavin and I went to a hike at the Lizard Head trail head.
it starts off through a field of grass

We stopped at a high point on the way to Wilson Meadow. We decided not to go down a series of these clay shoulders, since only Gavin was enthusiastic about it. Instead, we decide to continue on the Lizard Head trail to the ridge. 

Here is the panorama Fletcher made at the spot overlooking that clay slope.

Tricia on the ascent to the ridge - it's a steep climb to get up there. The path is well-maintained. It's  mainly dirt on long, steep switchbacks. 

That strange upright formation is Lizard Head. It started to rain while we were up on the ridge. 
The ridge gave us a 180 degree view. The sound of thunder sent us back down, rather than going on another half hour or so to a knob that has a 360 degree view. 

Trout Lake
panorama of the view from the ridge

The storm was coming in fast as we went back down across the meadow. By the time we left the parking lot, it was pouring. 

We had lunch at the Butcher and Baker, and played bridge. 


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